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Joe Polish has been called the “world's best connector”- and for good reason.
The once ponytailed, dead-broke, drug addicted carpet cleaner became a millionaire by the age of 30 and then went on to establish the world's two highest-level marketing groups (Genius Network® and GeniusX®).
So how does an “average Joe” from Arizona come to advise everyone from Arianna Huffington to Paula Abdul? How does he grow close to Richard Branson, host Tony Robbins at his events and help people like Peter Diamandis launch books to bestseller status?
The answers to most of those questions can be found in his book, “Life Gives To The Giver.” From advice on marketing and selling to thoughts on wellness and recovery, Life Gives to the Giver is packed with both wisdom and witticism, providing those who wish to succeed in business-and life-a treasure trove that can help guide them exactly where they want to go.