Double Your Revenue In One Year: How To Build, Engage, and Monetize Your Audience with Webcasts – with Mike Koenigs


Episode Summary

What if you could broadcast your content to the entire planet for free on any device and build an audience anytime, anywhere? Mike Koeings is here to show you in this episode of Genius Network.  

Host of the “Mike Koenigs Show”, “Chief Disruptasaurus” of You Everywhere Now, Mike  is an 11-time #1 bestselling author, interactive online TV producer, winner of the “Marketer of the Year” award, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, filmmaker, international speaker and patented inventor.  

If you would like access to the full video presentation, the show notes, and the special resources for this episode, please visit

Recorded live at the Genius Network Annual Event.

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Mike in this episode:

  • How to broadcast your content to the entire planet for free on any device and build an audience anytime, anywhere  
  • Apple’s billion dollar secret you can use to become more successful and make more money
  • A technology you can use to stand out, gain trust and have your prospects buy faster than ever
  • How to read the minds of your audience, customers and prospects
  • 7 types of media and 9 different dashboard tools you can use to effectively sell more of your products and services
  • A shortcut for rapidly engaging and interacting with your audience


Get the first chapter for FREE and a limited-time viewing of "Connected: The Joe Polish Story"

Show Notes

  • A year ago, hardly anyone knew what Periscope, Meerkat, Blab or Facebook Mentions was.
  • Owning your time is the most valuable asset you can have.
  • The average person checks their phone 150 times a day.
  • Most people have 6 to 25 internet connected phones in their houses today.
  • The level of access we have to multi trillion dollar infrastructures and brands that are willing to broadcast your content across multiple channels is unprecedented.
  • The question is what do you need to do to stand out and get in front of those people
  • Those who take advantage of disruptive technologies are historically the winners.
  • Getting feedback is the key to refining and changing your message. Technology has enabled us to do it in seconds.
  • Feedback driven intimacy where you increase the speed where someone trusts you allows you to own more time. Once someone trusts you, it’s only a matter of time before they want to buy from you.
  • Webcasts are the solution, they create a very engaged audience just by talking to people.
  • Live web broadcasts will change television, education, and more.
  • You can create content once and distribute it real time and then convert and splice that content and leverage it on a variety of other channels.
  • Repurpose and reuse your content everywhere.
  • Keeping track of what people are saying in chat gives you real time feedback and allows you to adjust accordingly.
  • Long form content converts surprisingly well because of the trust and interaction built into the show.
  • Even live replays can generate results if the viewer feels they are interacting with the host with someone managing the chat.

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