Glimmer: A Journey from Darkness to Light with Hollywood’s Leading Stuntwoman Kimberly Shannon Murphy and Joe Polish #207

Episode Summary

Join Joe Polish and Hollywood’s top stuntwoman, Kimberly Shannon Murphy, as she shares her journey from surviving childhood trauma to becoming a beacon of hope. Discover the secrets of resilience, authentic connections, and the healing power of her book “Glimmer.”

Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Kimberly Shannon Murphy in this episode:

  • Overcoming the Impossible: Discover how Kimberly Shannon Murphy transformed her harrowing childhood trauma into a thriving career as Hollywood’s top stuntwoman.
  • Kimberly reveals her raw, unfiltered journey from being sexually abused by her grandfather to becoming a beacon of hope and resilience.
  • The shocking truth about the abuse Kimberly endured and how she used her experiences to fuel her incredible strength and determination.
  • Glimmer of Hope: Learn how Kimberly’s newly released book “Glimmer” provides a powerful narrative of survival, hope, and healing that resonates deeply with trauma survivors.
  • The Stuntwoman’s Secrets: Get an inside look at Kimberly’s adrenaline-filled career, working with Hollywood legends, and how stunts became a temporary escape from her past.
  • Healing Through Connection: Joe and Kimberly delve into the profound impact of finding authentic connections and how it helps in healing deep-rooted trauma.
  • Kimberly’s transformative experiences with psychedelic therapy and how it played a pivotal role in her healing journey.
  • Resilience Redefined: Understand Kimberly’s perspective on resilience, as she navigates the complexities of trauma, therapy, and self-discovery.
  • Kimberly talks about breaking the cycle of trauma for her daughter and the profound lessons she’s learned in motherhood.
  • From Victim to Victor: Why Kimberly’s story is not just about survival; it’s about thriving against all odds and finding purpose in the pain.

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Show Notes

Kimberly Shannon Murphy’s Stunt Career

  • Kimberly’s incredible experiences as a Hollywood stuntwoman, including being run over by a car, thrown out of a window, and falling off a roof.
  • A pivotal moment when she got badly hurt on the set of “I Am Legend,” which led her to seek help for her trauma.

Childhood Trauma and Healing

  • Kimberly’s journey of self-discovery and healing from the trauma of childhood abuse by her grandfather, who was a sociopath and sexually abused her and her siblings.
  • The long-lasting impact of the abuse, including being diagnosed with herpes at a young age and dealing with the betrayal of family members who knew but did nothing.
  • The confusion and relief she felt upon her abuser’s death.

Therapy and Psychedelic Work

  • Kimberly’s transformative experience with psychedelic therapy, guided by trauma expert Gabor Maté.
  • The importance of understanding that primary trauma often stems from a lack of adult support and connection.
  • The role of therapy and psychedelic work in addressing and healing deep-rooted trauma.

Family Dynamics and Societal Challenges

  • The complex family dynamics and the impact of her mother’s and aunt’s experiences with abuse.
  • The societal challenge of dealing with powerful individuals who perpetrate abuse and are celebrated despite their despicable actions.
  • Joe Polish shares his own experiences with trauma and how it influenced his perspective on life and healing.

Emotional and Physical Resilience

  • How Kimberly used the adrenaline rush from stunt work to momentarily escape the pain of her childhood trauma.
  • The importance of finding balance between the thrill of her job and the need for emotional healing.
  • The significance of resilience and finding strength in the face of adversity.

Harvey Weinstein Connection

  • Joe Polish: Talks about his time as Harvey Weinstein’s sober coach.
  • Discussion: The complexities of helping someone with a dark past and the challenges involved in maintaining boundaries and compassion.

Forgiveness and Healing

  • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Shares her views on forgiveness, especially in the context of her family’s abuse.
    • Emphasizes that forgiveness is not always necessary for healing.
    • Differentiates between true apologies and empty words.

Inner Child Work

  • Inner Child Definition: Describes inner child work and its importance in the healing process.
    • Explains how traumatic experiences can cause disconnection from one’s inner child.
    • Emphasizes the need to reconnect with and heal the inner child to overcome trauma.

Psychedelic Therapy

  • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Discusses the role of psychedelics in her healing journey.
    • Describes how psychedelic experiences helped unlock repressed memories and facilitate deeper healing.
    • Shares a specific memory related to her aversion to indoor plants and how psychedelic therapy helped her overcome this.

Parenting and Trauma

  • Impact on Parenting: Talks about how her trauma influenced her parenting decisions and the importance of breaking the cycle for her daughter.
    • Highlights the importance of allowing her daughter to express herself freely.

Advice to Abusers and the Abused

  • Joe Polish: Asks Kimberly what advice she would give to abusers and those who have been abused.
  • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s own childhood wounds and seeking help.
    • Encourages curiosity and self-exploration to uncover and address deep-seated issues.

Writing “Glimmer”

  • About the Book: Discusses her memoir, “Glimmer,” and its purpose.
    • Aimed at helping survivors of trauma and those who know someone affected by it.
    • Crafted to avoid triggering readers while providing a gripping and empathetic narrative.
    • Receives high praise from readers and experts alike.

Challenges of Public Disclosure

  • Personal Impact: Shares the emotional toll of publicly sharing her story and the support she’s received.
    • Plans to take a break after her event with Gabor Maté in October.

Relationship Dynamics

  • Marital Insights: Talks about the challenges of maintaining a healthy relationship while dealing with trauma.
    • Credits her husband for his normalcy and support.

Hollywood Insights

  • Industry Perspective: Reflects on her experiences in Hollywood as a stuntwoman and now as a coordinator.
    • Acknowledges the prevalence of dysfunction in the industry but also highlights the presence of grounded, kind individuals.

Finding Peace and Closure

  • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Discusses her perspective on peace and closure.
    • Believes in a spiritual sense that we choose our paths in life.
    • Finds immense peace and purpose through her daughter.
    • Emphasizes the importance of being authentic to oneself.

Attachment vs. Authenticity

  • Discussion: Explores the concept of attachment versus authenticity, drawing from Gabor Maté’s work.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Shares her struggles with unhealthy attachments and trauma bonds within her family.
    • Emphasizes the importance of walking away from toxic relationships to maintain authenticity.

Navigating the Author, Speaker, Influencer Space

  • Joe Polish: Mentions the complexities of navigating the author, speaker, and influencer space.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Talks about her upcoming event with Gabor Maté and her experiences in this space.
    • Shares her excitement and disbelief at the opportunities that have come her way.

Event with Gabor Maté

  • Details: Discusses the event “Return to Self: Navigating Attachment and Authenticity” in Santa Monica on October 6.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Describes the event as a full-day experience focused on healing and authenticity.

Connection and Community

  • Joe Polish: Reflects on the importance of connection and community in healing.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Highlights how starting conversations about taboo topics like incest can help others heal and reconnect.

Overcoming Trauma and Abuse

  • Discussion: Addresses how to break the cycle of abuse and silence surrounding traumatic experiences.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Emphasizes not passing trauma onto children or others.
    • Stresses the importance of healing and being true to oneself.

Challenges of Public Disclosure

  • Joe Polish: Discusses the challenges of sharing personal stories publicly.
    • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Advocates for empathy towards those who might be using their stories for attention.
    • Encourages authenticity and self-awareness in sharing one’s story.

Role of Empathy and Compassion

  • Kimberly Shannon Murphy: Shares how empathy and compassion have helped her navigate her healing journey.
    • Recognizes the pain behind manipulative behaviors in others.

Recommendations and Final Thoughts

  • Joe Polish: Recommends Kimberly Shannon Murphy’s book “Glimmer” for its powerful insights and potential to help others.
    • Encourages listeners to attend her event with Gabor Maté for a transformative experience.


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