COVID-19 – How It Infects, How It Replicates, Who Is Most At Risk, And More – Genius Network Episode #143


Episode Summary

Where does fact end and hysteria begin? Get a clear sense of what’s really going on with COVID-19  in today’s episode of the Genius Network Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Mansoor Mohammed and Joe Polish discuss how to get through this pandemic with adaptability, health, and a level head. Dr. Mansoor Mohammed will also reveal what they aren’t telling you about quarantine and what we may be doing to unknowingly increase our risk. 

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Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dr. Mansoor and Joe in this episode: 

  • How to differentiate hysteria and fact. 
  • The TRUE dangers and precautions we need to consider during this time. 
  • What we AREN’T thinking about when it comes to our future health. 
  • How to KEEP healthy while in quarantine and reduce hypertension/insulin-resistance. 


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Show Notes

  • It’s hard to decipher sensationalism from seriousness right now. 
  • This pandemic is serious, but we don’t need to buy into the hysteria. 
  • The human brain is controlled by powerful neurochemicals.
  • Constant stress impacts our brains – after the pandemic, our health and psyche will be permanently impacted.
  • There are unique attributes of the COVID-19 virus: For one, it can enter the human cell much better than other viruses and is impacting the respiratory tract.
  • The virus replicates extremely quickly: At about 1,000 more than SARS.
  • The virus is replicating and leaving the body before you are even symptomatic. 
  • The virus is serious for 10% of people who get it – and is impacting all age ranges. 
  • The danger is for the 10% of our population that will get very sick, and 3% that could die. 
  • We don’t have enough hospital beds – our health system will crash if 10% of our population suddenly needs medical help. 
  • Some people do need to be isolated – but the rest of society needs to continue. 
  • We will overcome this and it will make us stronger. 
  • When we self-quarantine, we’re less mobile, getting less sun, and eating less healthy foods. 
  • We need vitamin D to have a strong immune response and prevent cytokine storm syndrome.
  • Get sun, stay mobile, and eat healthy food.
  • Hotlines for abuse, depression, and suicide are ringing off the hook. 
  • Longer-reaching issues due to COVID-19 need to be addressed. 
  • Children are being exposed to the stress and uncertainty of the times and can experience mental and psychological damage, too. 
  • Methylation is important in reducing inflammation – an important factor in combating coronavirus. 
  • Quinine is anti-inflammatory and stops the virus from getting to the cell in the first place; there are other possible drugs that could help with more studies. 
  • Estrogen has some beneficial qualities over coronaviruses in general. 
  • Make sure you have adequate levels of vitamin D – claims that vitamin  D is bad were unfounded. 
  • Temperature changes (cold showers/hot sauna) can have profound effects on our stress levels and immune system – but know your limits.


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